Monday, September 22, 2008

Blog Entry 3

Dear students

3rd blog entry assignment:

As Jordan's teacher, write a short note to Jordan's mother describing how Jordan was included as part of the class in the process of building a ramp in the school.
-How he contributed; how he has been successful
-What have been put in place to support him
-Invite parents’ support, thoughts & resources

You may write about 200 words.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

28 Aug 2008

Dear students
Please choose either Option 1 or 2 for the blog assignment.

Blog entry - Option 1

Draft a letter to parents
•Introduce yourself
•Outline what their child will learn
•How you intend to use ‘differentiated instruction’ in the classroom
•Address their concern and explain why you are using differentiated instruction
•How they can contact you to share their views

Blog entry - Option 2

Draft a proposal to the principal
•Propose differentiated instruction as a trial for a selected theme
•State rationale
•Outline what children will learn
•Address concerns principal/parents may have
•Request approval


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

14 Aug 08


•What are some strategies that you have learnt from the video and course-mates that you may like to add to your teaching repertoire?
•What challenges do you foresee in implementing these strategies in the Singapore classroom?
•How might you overcome these challenges?

Post your responses as a comment after you have submitted a hard copy.
Please sign off before you submit a comment.
